1 research outputs found

    Locality Awareness for Task Parallel Computation

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    The task parallel programming model allows programmers to express concurrency at a high level of abstraction and places the burden of scheduling parallel execution on the run time system. Efficient scheduling of tasks on multi-socket multicore shared memory systems requires careful consideration of an increasingly complex memory hierarchy, including shared caches and non-uniform memory access (NUMA) characteristics. In this dissertation, we study the performance impact of these issues and other performance factors that limit parallel speedup in task parallel program executions and propose new scheduling strategies to improve performance. Our performance model characterizes lost efficiency in terms of overhead time, idle time, and work time inflation due to increased data access costs. We introduce a hierarchical run time scheduler that combines the benefits of work stealing and parallel depth-first schedulers. Matching the scheduler design to the memory hierarchy of multicore NUMA systems limits costly remote data accesses while maintaining load balance and exploiting constructive data sharing among threads that share a cache. We also propose a locality- based scheduling framework based on locality domains and comprising an API for programmers to specify application locality and a scheduler that honors those specifications. Implementations of the hierarchical and locality-based schedulers in our OpenMP run time system exhibit performance improvements on several task parallel benchmark applications over existing scheduling strategies and production OpenMP run time systems.Doctor of Philosoph